Vision Resources of Central Pennsylvania could not exist without the support of generous individuals, businesses, and foundations throughout Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin and Perry counties. There are many options for participation.
Vision Resources gratefully accepts financial gifts of any size to support the agency’s mission; every gift makes a difference. You may choose to make your donation to the Annual Fund and this will allow your gift to be used as needed, at the discretion of the organization, or a donation can be a designated gift to the General Fund and you may indicate how you would like your contribution to have an impact: Prevention Department, Eye Clinic, Summer Camp Program, or another program or service.
Gifts to the Annual or General funds can be cash, check, or credit card (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, or American Express). Credit card contributions can be set up with your permission as auto-pay, reoccurring gifts that can be scheduled to your convenience, monthly or quarterly. This allows some donors to make larger contributions because the funds are distributed over a period of time, automatically charged to your card. If you have an interest in supporting Vision Resources over time or in a significant way through a major gift there are staff members who are very knowledgeable about the funding priorities and methods for the organization and will work with you to craft a gift opportunity that will benefit the organization and be something you can be proud to provide.
For more information please contact Paul Zavinsky, Director of Development at 717.238.2531 or
Planned Gifts can enable a donor to:
- increase their income
- reduce taxes
- make generous gift to a charitable organization
Planned gifts are outright, current gifts of cash or non-cash assets such as real estate, life insurance, retirement plans or appreciated stock, they may also be “deferred gifts” that pass to and benefit Visions Resources of Central Pennsylvania, at a future date.
There are a variety of types of Planned Gifts. One should speak with their lawyer or financial advisor to determine what would best meet the donor’s desired outcomes and benefits. By clicking here you will be taken to a sample Bequest Letter of Intent you may want to provide to the professional assisting you.
These are several of the more popular Planned Giving arrangements:
Charitable Bequests are provisions in a person’s will that specify money or other assets to be designated for a particular organization. This type of charitable gift is not included in the donor’s taxable estate.
Beneficiary Designations allow for a charitable organization to be listed as a beneficiary of retirement plan benefits and/or IRA’s. This will help avoid both federal estate taxes and income taxes if the designation states that the benefits are made payable at death to the specified charitable organization. Life insurance policies may also be contributed with a Beneficiary Designation.
Charitable Gift Annuities establish a contract between a donor and an organization, whereby a donor gives a gift of money, and in return, the organization guarantees to pay an annual amount for the lifetime of one or two people. Annual payouts are fixed and cannot be changed, and payout rates could vary according to the age(s) of the beneficiary. The Vision Resources Annuity Fund is managed by Everence Financial Advisors. A Deferred Gift Annuity is similar, but the payments are deferred until a later time, often at a specific age.
To see the Planned Giving Brochure, please click here.
Vision Resources will reach a milestone, 100 years of service, in March 2021. Quite a remarkable achievement that the organization is very proud to celebrate. This is not a cross-the-finish-line celebration, but an opportunity to take all of the accomplishments and lessons from the first 100 years and apply what has been learned to greater service for the blind and visually impaired.
As the population enjoys greater longevity Vision Resources understands the agency will face increases of individuals with impaired vision. This is why the organization is taking steps to sustain the next 100 years with the 20/20 VISION ENDOWMENT FUND. Your gift to the Endowment Fund will, with time, become a reliable and predictable source of income to support the organization, and help Vision Resources meet the growing needs of the community.
The Endowment will be a legacy for the future, providing you with the comfort and knowledge that many years from now, your generosity will continue to make a difference for this organization and the mission that is meaningful to you. You can fully trust that the 20/20 Vision Endowment Fund is being created for one purpose: sustaining Vision Resources in its Next Century of Service! To read the entire 20/20 Vision Fund Endowment Case Statement, please click here.
For information about making your legacy gift to the 20/20 Vision Endowment Fund please contact Paul Zavinsky, Director of Development and Public Relations, 717-238-2531,, or VROCP 1130 S. 19th Street, Harrisburg, PA 17104-2912
A tribute or memorial gift is a wonderful way to celebrate an important milestone or memory in your life. It can be a testament to remembering the life of a loved one or honoring an event such as a birth or wedding. Capturing these memories and moments create a lasting and respectful tribute.

We all have times during the year when we make some room in our closets by contributing clothing and shoes to charitable organizations in the region like Goodwill, Salvation Army and others. Well, Vision Resources has a new partnership with Community Aid. They make it possible for partner organizations to earn money on the clothing donations they receive.
Take your clothing and shoe items to one of the Community Aid store locations in Harrisburg, Mechanicsburg, Lancaster, York, Hanover or Selinsgrove. When you make your contribution hand the employee the card above with the name Community Aid and the partnership number, #10214. Quarterly checks are distributed to help support the mission of partner organizations, and your efforts will assist the Community Aid organization and employees, and help to raise the quality of life throughout the region.
To get your business cards with the Vision Resources number call Paul Zavinsky at 717-238-2531 or email him at Or, just write the name VISION RESOURCES on a piece of paper with the partnership number, #10214.
VROCP accepts donations of cars, motorcycles, trucks, trailers, an RV, boat or even an airplane to our Vehicle Donation Program. Our partners will arrange a pick up whatever you wish to donate as long as they can drive it, or safely fit it on their truck. The vehicle will either be sold at auction or for scrap, with a generous portion of the proceeds benefiting Vision Resources.
VROCP generally maintains an Amazon Wish List of everyday items the agency uses and is often in need of: Contribute Here!
For information about any of the giving options listed please contact Paul Zavinsky, Director of Development and Public Relations, 717-238-2531,, or the address is: VROCP 1130 S. 19th Street, Harrisburg, PA 17104-2912