The Vision Rehab Center is staffed by Low Vision Specialist, Mark Cohen, O.D.  Dr. Cohen performs Low Vision exams and evaluations on Fridays, by appointment only, in our office and new patients are welcome.  Please call 717-614-4018 to schedule.

At Vision Resources, our goal is to help people with low vision maximize the use of residual vision in order to function more effectively and remain as independent as possible.  Our Low Vision Occupational Therapist, Anna Pantalone, OTR/L works with the results of the low vision evaluation to assist each customer to identify which methods or low vision magnification device will meet the their visual goals.

Vision impairments such as Macular Degeneration, Glaucoma, and Diabetic Retinopathy can impact a person’s engagement in activities of daily living. Low vision occupational therapy focuses on re-engaging the individual in valued life activities through specialized interventions including:

  • Modifying the Task:  Careful analysis occurs to develop individualized strategies and solutions for making desired tasks more accessible for one’s vision needs. For example, magnifiers or assistive technology can assist the person with daily reading tasks.
  • Teaching New Skills: Techniques such as eccentric viewing can help people learn to use their remaining vision more efficiently and effectively.
  • Enhancing In Home Safety: Recommending lighting, glare reduction, and enhanced contrast that will be most effective for a particular area and activity, pointing out potential hazards and offering solutions, and showing ways to do something in a different way enhances safety.
  • Promoting a Meaningful Lifestyle: A holistic approach helps ensure that clients can participate in the things they want and need to do, from basic activities of daily living to recreational and leisure activities.

Who could benefit from low vision occupational therapy?

Individuals with vision impairment who have difficulty with the following activities could benefit from low vision occupational therapy:

  • Reading for necessity (reading mail, labels, or home appliances)
  • Writing tasks such as signing your name, filling out forms, writing down appointments, making a check, or addressing an envelope
  • Meal preparation (chopping food, pouring liquids, using appliances)
  • Self-Care activities (reading prescription bottles, matching clothing, applying toothpaste)
  • Using a telephone, cell phone, tablet, or computer
  • Valued leisure activities (reading for enjoyment, crossword puzzles, watching tv, hobbies)
  • Using prescribed optical devices or non-optical devices

 At the Vision Rehab Center, we offer full on-site low vision care ranging from:

  • Low Vision Eye Exam with a Low Vision Optometrist
  • Low Vision Occupational Therapy Evaluation and Rehabilitation
  • Optical and non-optical low vision devices, assistive technology
  • In-home rehab and adaptive training
  • Necessity Store that carries low vision items
  • Direct access to all social services Vision Resources provides

Referrals are welcome. To refer a client to the Vision Rehab Center, please download the appropriate form below. Thank you for allowing Vision Resources to share in the care of your low vision clients.

Physician Referral for Low Vision Evaluation (822 downloads )
Physician Referral for Low Vision OT (811 downloads )

For More Information or to schedule an appointment call the Vision Rehab Center at 717.614.4018.