Fundraising and Awareness Events 2024

Vision Resources of Central Pennsylvania hosts three annual fundraising and awareness events, Vision of Monte Carlo is our signature fundraising event traditionally held the 4th Friday in April; Vision Bowl is a low vision awareness event in July each year; and An Evening in the Shadows is the blindness awareness event usually scheduled the first Thursday of November.  While all are unique and relevant to our mission, we are always looking for additional opportunities for fundraising and community outreach. Please call Chloe Miller, Communications and Events Coordinator if you have a fundraising opportunity for Vision Resources. All proceeds from our events are used to provide services to individuals who are blind or visually impaired in Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin and Perry Counties. We appreciate your support.

Happy 103th Birthday Vision Resources!

Helping the visually impaired and blind since March 1921. Check out the new Endowment Fund Donor Wall supporting our Next Century of Service. Visit our page titled “Ways to Support-Financial” to learn more.

24nd Visions of Monte Carlo

Visions of Monte Carlo has become our signature event, combining a plated meal with a night of gaming, live big band music, auctions and fun.
 All proceeds benefit Vision Resources of Central Pennsylvania.

For information on this event regarding sponsorships, volunteer opportunities, tickets and more, please contact Chloe Miller, Communications and Events Coordinator at 717-238-2531 or

Visions of Monte Carlo 2024 Album

Honoring Hellen Keller

June 27, 1880. Celebrating the anniversary of the birth of Helen Keller with a gift to Vision Resources is a perfect way to show your support and honor a woman who was able to make her mark on this world and overcome such odds. “Alone we can do so little; Together we can do so much” ~Helen Keller

Adventures Beyond Site

Vision Resources’ Adventures Beyond Site Summer Camp is for students in grades 3-12 for the 2023-2024 school year who are blind/legally blind.  

2024 Camp dates are Monday, July 8 through Friday, July 12.  Each day begins at Vision Resources where participants are to be dropped off by 9:00 AM.  Camp days end between 4:00 and 6:00 PM depending upon the day and activity. 

The staff has an exciting week planned as always, with activities that expose students to different life experiences helping them gain independence and confidence! 

Camp adventures include: 

  • Mount Gretna Lake & Beach
  • Roundtop Mountain
  • Knoebel’s Park
  • Roller Skating
  • Refreshing Mountain
  • Games
  • …and so much more!

Transportation will be provided from Vision Resources to all scheduled camp locations. 

Adventures Beyond Site 2024 Album

Vision Bowl

Monday, July 15, 2024 ABC East Lanes beginning at 6:00 p.m.
As you begin to make plans for the coming summer season, be certain to mark your calendar for the annual VISION BOWL tournament. This  tournament benefits Vision Resources. Teams must consist of 4 bowlers. The contribution for teams is $200 and that will include two games of bowling, t-shirts, food and drink and shoe rental for all 4 team members. Here is the interesting twist, the idea is for this to be a LOW VISION public awareness event so for the second game bowlers will be required to wear light-weight paper glasses with lenses that simulate various vision diseases. This “visual impairment” competition is the game that will determine team and individual top bowlers. We hope for this to be a fun event for a hot-summer-day. Vision resources will be soliciting businesses for sponsorships: $500.00, which includes the businesses team of 4. We also encourage friends, families, and social clubs to create teams and help make this a great event. More information will emerge as we draw closer, including registration details. To learn more please contact Chloe Miller at or 717-238-2531.  

Visions Bowl 2024 Album

Annual Volunteer Recognition

The annual Volunteer Recognition Luncheon is be held September 19th, 2024. All active volunteers will receive an invitation.

Vision Resources proudly hosts a luncheon in honor of our many volunteers that generously give their time and talents to our mission. RSVP to your invitation by calling 717-238-2531 and ask for Chloe.

White Cane and Guide Dog Safety Day

October 15
Each year Vision Resources joins other agencies, state and nationwide, to create public awareness for White Cane Laws. In 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson first proclaimed October 15th as “White Cane Safety Day.”  The original purpose was a safety reminder to promote courtesy and special consideration to blind people who are navigating America’s streets and roadways. Since this first observance, White Cane Safety Day has taken on greater meaning as a time to celebrate the self-sufficiency of people who are blind or visually impaired and their right to participate fully in society. Vision Resources’ observance of White Cane Safety Day continues that tradition, focusing on the independence of people who are blind or visually impaired with the white cane as a symbol of that independence.

An Evening in the Shadows

Thursday, November 7, 2024
6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Tickets can be purchased from our homepage prior to event date

Evening in the Shadows is a unique event in which guests, wearing adjustable lightweight blindfolds, are served a five-course meal paired with fine wines while enjoying live entertainment. This awareness event offers participants the experience of dining through the eyes and senses of someone who is visually impaired. All proceeds benefit Vision Resources of Central Pennsylvania.Our guests rave about the experience, don’t miss this popular annual event!

An Evening in the Shadows 2023 Album